Every month, there's a balancing act between books that are in my private "to read" stack and the book that we've picked for book club. I always have the best of intentions towards the book club pick. They are usually intellectual! interesting! well reviewed! But secretly, I really want to be reading the stuff in my private stash- which usually consists of guilty pleasure type reading- (think Sookie Stackhouse novels, etc...)
This month has been hard. For book club, we picked The Brothers K. Looks great, right? A sweeping narrative, etc. etc. I should really want to read this book. Book club is next week. I am currently 15% into the book (in Kindle speak). This is not good.
Instead, I've been deeply mired in the world created by George R. R. Martin who I'm fairly sure spent a good portion of time in his parents' basement reading comics and thinking of "cool stuff"* like a young, hot teenage girl breastfeeding a pair of newborn dragons.
I know! Its ridiculous. And I've read 3 of the books in the series.
I need help.
*Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I'm actually quite into it, yet it's still taking me a while to finish. Go figure.
Hah! I read the part about breastfeeding dragons and all I thought was "I wonder if that feels like thrush...".
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