Tuesday, September 11, 2007

39 weeks...

...and no signs of impending labor. Not that I was expecting any, really. I don't even think the kid has dropped yet- I'm still carrying very much out front. I've had some low, dull mentrual-like cramps but nothing with a pattern or anything. I'm thinking it will be at least another week, if not longer. At my last appointment, I was only dialted "a fingertip." The midwife said they will "let" me go up to 41 weeks and then I'm assuming they will want to induce. I really hope to avoid that if I can...I hear nothing good about induction and don't really want to go there unless its absolutely medically necessary. But maybe I'll feel differently in two weeks if the kid hasn't shown his little face yet...

Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good. Not really sleeping much, but I think that's par for the course. Trying to do alot of relaxing and de-stressing when I'm not at work: reading a good book , watching lots of movies with the Husband, taking long, hot baths, going to my knitting group, lunches with friends, etc. I'm fully aware that my time for these sorts of activities may be in short supply very soon. And something tells me that I should just be taking it easy and conserving energy. Because of my leg, I can't work out but walking has been ok'd so the dog and I have been taking nice moderate walks in the mornings and I'm still walking to and from work (only 8 blocks or so.)

In other news, we ordered a part for the Husband's car and hopefully will get it up and running sometime soon. In the meantime, we've been using my little car which (knock on wood) is still running fine and the Husband has been able to borrow a friend's van as well.

He's also getting help for his panic attacks, which I am so proud of him for doing. I think there are alot of guys who would resist talking to drs, therapists, etc. but I think he realizes that he needs help and by helping himself, he's helping me to not be so worried about him.

So, all in all, things are looking up. Next midwife appointment is this Friday. Wonder if she'll notice any signs of progress...

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