Monday, July 30, 2007


My brain is on vacation, I swear. As I enter the last few weeks of pregnancy, I find myself becoming more and more introspective and absent minded. Is this normal? Its definitely hard to concentrate at home- and work? Fugggedaboudit. Honestly, except for a few rare moments of startling clarity, (usually "Oh SHIT we are having a baby" moments) it feels like my skull is full of marshmallow goo. And, I suppose it doesn't help that its really hot, I'm starting to swell, and my hips are painful and feel like their about to pop out of their sockets at any second. Sort of distracting, that.

We did, however, finally get the crib together this weekend. So Otto's room actually looks like a baby's room instead of the back warehouse at the salvation army. Everything in there is fairly utilitarian: crib, changing table, dresser, bookshelf and rocking chair/nursing station. My one indulgence was a piece of art that I purchased off Ebay and had personalized. Its adorable, dahling.

We are also interviewing pediatricians- all TWO practices in town. Yeah. We are looking at family practitioners as well, though. Next interview is on Wednesday, which is also The Husbands birthday. Cake and baby doctors all in one day? Yay multitasking.

And now, because this is my blog and I can do whatever the hell I want, a list of things yet to be done before Otto makes his appearance (hopefully) about 7 weeks from now (maybe writing this out will help the goo-brain):

-Purchase carseat, stroller, and co-sleeper. Will probably need some co-sleeper sheets as well.

-Attend pre-natal classes at hospital and get pre-registered.

-Start stocking up on freezer meals and easy eats for the weeks after birth.

-Put together post-partum kit: Peri-bottle, witch hazel, lavender, pads, lansinoh, etc.

-Make list of things to go with me to the hospital

-Try to relax and enjoy these last few weeks of relative freedom.

1 comment:

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Great list, Birdie! (Mine will be forthcoming . . .)

Please do enjoy these last weeks as much as you can, even though that's might tricky in the heat. And yes, late pregnancy brain can be disconcerting. Just you wait for early post-partum brain! "Laissez les bons temps rouler"