* Summertime. I really love not having to worry about myself or the baby being cold. We spend so much of our lives being cold in this part of the country that its nice to have a reprieve for a couple of months. I've just been dropping Otto off at daycare with bare feet and its awesome. (He doesn't walk yet and his class doesn't go outside.) If I could go to work barefoot, I totally would. As it is, my flip flops are getting lots of use.
* The Huffington Post. Being the liberal that I am, I love the slant and the remarkably insightful posts from certain famous people.
*Thrift store/garage sale shopping. YAY! I love garage sale season. I think this is partly because I love a great deal, but also because I am nosy as shit and love to see what stuff other people have. At least I can admit this, right? Our newspaper is very helpful in that it prints a large map of the city alongside the garage sale ads so the bargain seeking reader can artfully map out a plan of attack. Love that.
* This book.
* Avocados. Yeah, I don't know either. They just taste good.
* Will Ferrel. And, specifically, Anchorman.
I'm not sure what psychosis I have going on in my life right now but I find him to be HIGH-LARIOUS lately. I'm excited to see Step-Brothers (even though I will probably have to wait until the DVD comes out because HELLO? I have a kid.)
* My Ergo baby carrier. Best. Kid. Carrier. Evah. I love it. Otto loves it. We took it hiking last weekend and it rocked and rolled that trail.
What do you love??
I love camps for my kids. :-)
I'm sure I'll feel the same in the near future!
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